LF Live2d models trade or donation pls
@Maryam_Godness @Setsuko_KYM @leg Hallo! Are you guys still down for trade? (I'm not sure if your gdrive is updated). Please reply to this comment if you're interested in any of the models. (If not, you can just ignore this :3) Thank you!!
@hewhew999 Hi, my drive is updated, but I can't see yours, so I can't tell if I'm interested in any of them :')
@Maryam_Godness https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RNBfsqDqbCg-VNGMhsMmFCOzK-qmxON6
here is my list,please let me know if you are interested in -
@Maryam_Godness dm!
@hewhew999 i like the last model, the pinky/blue hair baby, dm plz if want trade
1 - Cuckoo Live2D
DL: https://workupload.com/file/q2LZ4L22Q74 -
Ty very much