LF:quest version of this avatar
so i got the files to this avatar.. i ADORE it, BUT my problem is that i cannot make it pc/vr compatable but it wont let me use the quest converter. PLEASE TELL ME SOMEONE HAS A VERSION OF IT THAT LETS ME MAKE IT QUEST COMPATABLE, IM BEGGING YOU, PLEASEE
First what avatar is that? And there's multiple quest converters so I would say try a couple but you can also convert it yourself
This has some tips https://forum.ripper.store/topic/46639/tips-on-converting-an-avatar-to-quest?_=1737308061133
Could we have the files?
[If able/willing to give] -
sadly its pretty much impossible to make it quest compatible unless you remove some toggles of that avi ik its cryptiacurves Oc
i just removed the ponytail hair and its toggle and she uploaded too quest just fine but that may not be the case with others