[found] LF Felicia by Livid Lily
@tiredofts I said the same thing earlier, her avatars from 2021-early 2024 when Charity revamp dropped WERE WAYYY BETTER. I mean even her early early avatar Abigail form 2021 was more impressive with more features. She just adds cheap assets insteads of trying now. I remember last year with Daisy or another avatar she was caught putting ripped assets on the avatar. It sucks how she dropped a lot of quality avatars from her store so you have to leaks to find them. I loved Belle and a lot of her 2023/2022 avatars.
@pinkcookie2777 I personally think Scarlett's avis are better made, she takes alot more time and puts harder work into them IMO. I'm happily waiting for her new avi to come out, I personally might purchase it due to how much I love her stuff!
@pinkcookie2777 I personally think Scarlett's avis are better made, she takes alot more time and puts harder work into them IMO. I'm happily waiting for her new avi to come out, I personally might purchase it due to how much I love her stuff!
@StarMom Yeah, I agree. Lividlily and Scarlett are what got me into Avatar editing, uploading, etc because they had so much customisation and were back unique back then. I've been waiting for Scarlett to release something for ages after Katherine, didn't know she was currently developing one, I can't wait!
@StarMom Yeah, I agree. Lividlily and Scarlett are what got me into Avatar editing, uploading, etc because they had so much customisation and were back unique back then. I've been waiting for Scarlett to release something for ages after Katherine, didn't know she was currently developing one, I can't wait!
@pinkcookie2777 I have a account in their discord, and let me tell you she's absolutely gorgeous!! I'm so hyped for her since scarlett finally posted new update photos, she's taking her time and I think it's gonna be great :]
@chewtoy It says it is 1.1
Here y'all go.
@Gothic-Kibby Question, seeing the gumroad page and either I'm blind or it doesn't have it, what does it need to upload if you don't mind sharing?
I downloaded from the link here "which it says 1.1" but in unity its 1.0, does it need an update or am I looking in the wrong place?
@Gothic-Kibby Question, seeing the gumroad page and either I'm blind or it doesn't have it, what does it need to upload if you don't mind sharing?
@Deathgalore For me it required:
Unity 2022.3.6f1
Poiyomi 9
Generally a lot of her recent avatars require the listed above ^ -
@Deathgalore For me it required:
Unity 2022.3.6f1
Poiyomi 9
Generally a lot of her recent avatars require the listed above ^@pinkcookie2777 Thank you, shouldve looked through her other avatars for a hint or shouldve guessed it but ty ^^
I downloaded from the link here "which it says 1.1" but in unity its 1.0, does it need an update or am I looking in the wrong place?
@Tanisha1ofakind It needs an update, the nipples still dont shift with the skintone ^^
@Tanisha1ofakind It needs an update, the nipples still dont shift with the skintone ^^
@StarMom I noticed an issue with eyes shifting with skin and nipples staying pale so I had to manually fix it myself since I wear my avatars darker toned. I just find it insane with the avatar being on preorder, her having scarlett and other avatar creators helping her make Felicity, and having people model for the avatar, you'd think it come fine out the box and wouldn't require bug fixes and updates. I did notice it says 1.0 on unity but the file says 1.1. Other than some toggles clipping and her skin needing adjustments she is fine otherwise for me.
@StarMom I noticed an issue with eyes shifting with skin and nipples staying pale so I had to manually fix it myself since I wear my avatars darker toned. I just find it insane with the avatar being on preorder, her having scarlett and other avatar creators helping her make Felicity, and having people model for the avatar, you'd think it come fine out the box and wouldn't require bug fixes and updates. I did notice it says 1.0 on unity but the file says 1.1. Other than some toggles clipping and her skin needing adjustments she is fine otherwise for me.
@pinkcookie2777 She also says that she sends them out to "testers" but yet there's ALWAYS stuff wrong with the avatar upon release like simple simple stuff that someone could have spotted so easily if they truly tested it..
@pinkcookie2777 She also says that she sends them out to "testers" but yet there's ALWAYS stuff wrong with the avatar upon release like simple simple stuff that someone could have spotted so easily if they truly tested it..
@SoftPlushy1246 I was just talking about this today, too. Every one of her avatars is released with basic things wrong. There's almost always clipping, and something wrong with toggles, like she forgets to add toggles for random things. If we notice it within minutes of having the avatar in game or in Unity, how are she and all of her "testers" missing them so often? It just feels so lazy.
@SoftPlushy1246 I was just talking about this today, too. Every one of her avatars is released with basic things wrong. There's almost always clipping, and something wrong with toggles, like she forgets to add toggles for random things. If we notice it within minutes of having the avatar in game or in Unity, how are she and all of her "testers" missing them so often? It just feels so lazy.
@SweetSangria I feel like her testers are her friends and possibly fans or models who get a discount/free avatar if they give praise. Like I said it is just weird she put all her avatars information in a discord server instead of gumroad or jinxxy, probably for less complaints. A lot of her good reviews on these avatars are from her presales instead of her full releases. She has been making avatars since 2021, if I recall correctly and has friends who create avatars AND use TVF base so you'd think she'd not have these issues anymore. For me it is a simple fix since I'm experienced with unity, but for those who don't and spent money on the avatar I feel bad for them.