LF: Riyshie The Fluffy Dragon
It doesn't work, it doesn't want to be uploaded
@underbow019 did you start with a new project and only poiyomi for the upload?
@TxedoedMan use the latest poiyomi pro and it'll work texture wise. the rest of the issues i cannot help with lol i just closed my project and didn't bother uploading until there's possible fixes put here
@underbow019 Im hoping that ur running 2022.3.22f n latest sdk, ran this unity package instead of the many other's that I included and clicked the OPEN ME SCENE in the A. LANACAN folder after you imported poyomi first into your fresh proj cuz it looks like whatever in gods name you opened is one where nothing's parented and missing pretty much everything, use gestures manager to verify it before uploading, avoid randomly deleting stuff too if your not sure cuz you'll probably do more damage than good just use Expressions Manager if you want to remove the FT
@ClaptasticFrag idk wht u guys are doing lol I literally just opened scene, assign textures n upload with 0 issues XD
@TxedoedMan Funny enough, that's what i did, i have everything to the last version etc
Everything worked in Unity, but when i try to upload it i got errors
That's my project btw
@underbow019 what the actual fuck is that giant collider under her
@ClaptasticFrag the physbones for some reason, don't ask me, it's how she is