[GIFT] Nylah by DaddyMinx : PC/Q
Link to download below or click here
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/st0et8bkpbte1/Nylah+FurryOriginal Link to Jinxy page
: https://jinxxy.com/DaddyMinx/products/NylahFurrywhen uploading, make sure to use VRCFury, Poi Toon 9.0.61+ alongside Geasture Manager. If there is any errors with upload contact me, she was a bit fuzzy when I uploaded her to my knowledge.
if you appreciate my efforts how abt u leave some reputation :3 Thank you <3
sorry for pings~ here is nylah i saw in post regarding to nylah! :3
@avicollector @burgerbutcold @XK1RC @uhh_grimm @callmeac @brooke71606 @wfurry @Sooxi @Smuuggs -