LF: NSFW worlds with fuckable NPCS
xxxchimeraxxx's worlds are all open so long as you age verify in their discord. All it takes is 1 person doing it to share the worlds.
@Hieroku I would but I dont wanna give out my ID ;-;
There used to be this 2.0 world from like 2020 that you needed an internet link to get access to. I can't remember if it came with NPC's but that's the closest to any kind of NSFW worlds I know of. I think it does cause you could place them on the position blocks and bondage devices. It had like a dungeon and some weird room with fetish photos all over it lol.
@Hieroku I would but I dont wanna give out my ID ;-;
@SillyRandomWoman they are also selling their fnaf inspired world too. You could always lurk that thread and see if someone who does buy it makes a public upload for forum members or something.
xxxchimeraxxx's worlds are all open so long as you age verify in their discord. All it takes is 1 person doing it to share the worlds.
xxxchimeraxxx's worlds are all open so long as you age verify in their discord. All it takes is 1 person doing it to share the worlds.
@Hieroku whts the discord
these are the two world link i see in the server
https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_fcc0f46b-40e9-429a-a25a-a88b74229985 Password: 58008
these are the two world link i see in the server
https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_fcc0f46b-40e9-429a-a25a-a88b74229985 Password: 58008
@x75thEverest Ah thank you
just hope that they won't get deleted n stuff
these are the two world link i see in the server
https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_fcc0f46b-40e9-429a-a25a-a88b74229985 Password: 58008
there's a second codepad and i don't even know how to open the locked doors
on the fnia world there are NPC's that you can pose but they dont have plugs or sockets so SPS doesnt work on them
@Trapizoid There are npcs w/ existing poses. Foxy, Chika and Bonnie all have existing poses that have sps sockets. Interact w/ their trigger again and there will be stand here markers on the floor.
there's a second codepad and i don't even know how to open the locked doors
@not-necoarc Here is the tutorial to unlock all content from their discord.
cool, thank you
these are the two world link i see in the server
https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_fcc0f46b-40e9-429a-a25a-a88b74229985 Password: 58008
@x75thEverest THANK YOU !!!!!!
these are the two world link i see in the server
https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_fcc0f46b-40e9-429a-a25a-a88b74229985 Password: 58008
@x75thEverest Cheers, m8!