[VRC ModularAvatar] Nebula Staff (Full Package) 1.0.1
[VRC | ModularAvatar] Nebula Staff - IruaStore - BOOTH
VRChat 아바타에 사용가능한 파티클입니다. - 모든 상호작용을 Action Menu의 조작없이 가능한 마법의 지팡이 입니다! - Modular Avatar 기반으로 제작되었습니다. - Modular Avatar 에 대한 자세한 내용은 이곳을 참조해주세요. https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev VR Chatアバターに使用可能なパーティクルです。 - すべての相互作用をAction Menuの操作なしで可能な魔法の杖です! - Modular Avatarをベースに製作されました。 - Modular
DL : https://workupload.com/file/UCwXexM2AKH
VirusTotal : https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file-analysis/OWRjNDY4YWY3OGQ1NjQwZDRhOTQ1NDYzZTExZGQwNjI6MTcyNTM0MjgyNw==
I have noticed for me with this first version. with the right hand version you need to change one of the modular avatar to right hand because for some reason for me it was connect to left hand instead of the right hand. that fixed the attachment issue. Also make sure yo modular avatar and sdk in vrccc is up to date that fixed a whole bunch of other issues cool. But new version would be nice
update pls
Whats in the new version that you really need?
Whats in the new version that you really need?
@UntitledDuck some avatar has particle issues, which is kipfel, got a bizzare looking particles. i asked for author, " it is a bug. we fixed in 1.01 version. "
so just some bug fixes i see
@fenicheart They updated the link if i remember correctly i checked before on laptop