LF: Ghostly Honey bee model by ~Ghostly~
its mostly fixed not everything from the normal one is there but i added some extra stuff ,will update it evry now and then https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BvwYTkMDAbblNEZgnuKOOVNxggN_1ldl/view?usp=sharing
@LeonSexKennedy You have the youtube link to the video?
@humdumhumyaidee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXGLhj2Mc-A&pp=ygUKbW9tbWFiZWV2cg%3D%3D This is one of her victims
@LeonSexKennedy Thanks! Cant trust Vtubers these days lol
bump for fix
bump for fix