LF: Fazclaire's Stripclub 2024 18+ (NSFV VRChat world.)
Haven't bought just yet but look I get it we want that free stuff but honestly I do like their work and I don't wanna be a reason they stop or make it more difficult for us to see their work I get the contradicting parts but I'd rather do all that so they actually make some more good things
@Smuuggs i don't support vrm actually. Not sure what you mean. Using something in the past and currently supporting it are two different things. I hardly care that people want the shit for free, my issue was that it wasn't released for even 24 hours before a post was made here.
I don't have an issue with sites like these doing what they do, I've obviously used them before. My only issue was that it wasn't even released for 24 hours yet. Let a little time pass at least lol. Tbh if you really want it that bad ill just give you the files if you add me on discord. (The post creator not everyone)
Discord: xxXChimeraXxx
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@Seaport636 and you believe him just like that? Damn no wonder the internet is in such bad shape...
I don't have an issue with sites like these doing what they do, I've obviously used them before. My only issue was that it wasn't even released for 24 hours yet. Let a little time pass at least lol. Tbh if you really want it that bad ill just give you the files if you add me on discord. (The post creator not everyone)
Discord: xxXChimeraXxx
@xxXChimeraXxx I think you should do a thing like torinyan does, a 1 week thing, So you can get sales and what not, or however long you want for it, so you at least get sales
I don't have an issue with sites like these doing what they do, I've obviously used them before. My only issue was that it wasn't even released for 24 hours yet. Let a little time pass at least lol. Tbh if you really want it that bad ill just give you the files if you add me on discord. (The post creator not everyone)
Discord: xxXChimeraXxx
@xxXChimeraXxx It says a lot about the good person you are that you offer the file for free. I am unemployed and the little money I make is enough to feed me, that is why I take advantage of the files shared on this website. But I am the first one who, if I could afford it, would prefer to buy it, to support the creator. I have been after the MCMansion by SpookyGhostBoo house for months because it costs a lot of money that is way beyond my means, and I would not like to spend that amount to see it shared here shortly after having bought it.
bro is really talking about morality cause they made a sexualised map about dead childeren souls in robots.
I don't have an issue with sites like these doing what they do, I've obviously used them before. My only issue was that it wasn't even released for 24 hours yet. Let a little time pass at least lol. Tbh if you really want it that bad ill just give you the files if you add me on discord. (The post creator not everyone)
Discord: xxXChimeraXxx
@xxXChimeraXxx I really should have taken a moment to sit and let the thread simmer before actually making a take. It really wasn't very good of me to just straight away believe everything being said. I'm deleting that post, and I really do apologize for what I said. You're a very good person for offering the file for free, even if it's just for one person. I'm in a similar situation to @vidriox85 which is why I'm even on this site in the first place. I'll try to stay my hand when it comes to threads that were just made next time instead of just believing everything said at face value.
bro is really talking about morality cause they made a sexualised map about dead childeren souls in robots.
@zetton i said nothing about morality. I was asking for patience. Also they're not children inside but glad to know you view them that way and still beat off lol
@zetton i said nothing about morality. I was asking for patience. Also they're not children inside but glad to know you view them that way and still beat off lol
@xxXChimeraXxx lmao i dont beat off to them lmao
@xxXChimeraXxx lmao i dont beat off to them lmao
@zetton was a joke lol
@zetton was a joke lol
@xxXChimeraXxx oh my bad dude. read it wrong then.