LF: Sara Taylor avatar by TheGoldHare
hey all, i come bearing kind of disappointing news.
basically, i found an avatar in the ARC database that's most likely it, except it can't be downloaded as it's a private avatar.
i do have the avatar ID, but that's probably yet another dead end, seeing as (to my knowledge) there aren't any (working) programs/websites that allow you to download an avatar from it's ID.
i'll update everybody if i can somehow find a way to download it. but yeah, that's pretty much all i got for now.
hey all, i come bearing kind of disappointing news.
basically, i found an avatar in the ARC database that's most likely it, except it can't be downloaded as it's a private avatar.
i do have the avatar ID, but that's probably yet another dead end, seeing as (to my knowledge) there aren't any (working) programs/websites that allow you to download an avatar from it's ID.
i'll update everybody if i can somehow find a way to download it. but yeah, that's pretty much all i got for now.
@Gruineva5577 Finally some good news good luck on your endevors
im gonna implode