LF - Avatar Crying/Tear Effect/Shader
Looking for a Crying or Tear shader/effect, I know that one is a Shader and I'm looking for the right shader/effect but can't find,.
Any Suggestions/Help Is Heavily Appreciated!
There is an avatar that has a decent crying animation/shader called Cry More by Aphyx, but I cannot find it... And there is a free asset called Sticky Liquid on booth that could possibly be used as tears if that is helpful to you.
free_stickyliqud_asset 無料液体3Dアセット - YudaJudaStore - BOOTH
無料液体3Dアセット、これをうまく使えば何でもドロドロにできます!! ブレンダー用 free sticky liquid asset feel free to use on anything!! have fun 必要ではないが、クレジットに名前を入れてくれれば喜びます。 i will be happy if you credit me!! tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xm5KVAXnJjU 骨の設定はこちらのアドオンを使っています
Cry More
Tear to show people you "Realy" care. Simple and easy to applyTears that assist in making sadness sad in vr. What you will get:Auto scrolling tears effectLow poly 84 trisPremade materials are all custom-made and hand drawnUnity Package.This includesAll the materials and texturesPremade cry, just drag and drop on to head and adjust the placementRequirements:Poiyomi Pro - version above 8.1Credit me too <3 If on commercial product
Gumroad (axphy.gumroad.com)
Aphyx's tear animation is only $3 thankfully I found it just not for free but for cheap weeoo lol