Murder drones avis by yumily/chloe
Not found
Cyntesso/ Tesso murder drones (PC/Quest+BLENDER+ GOGOLOCO)
♦ GoGo Loco♦ Multiple clothing and toys♦ Multiple espressions face♦ Unity Package♦Blender file (armatur with rig face)♦ file subtancer painterInfo:♦66.83MB♦270k Polygons♦22 mesh♦50 material♦32physbone♦6 outfits♦blink with animation♦ wings, tentacles,rose, sword with particle , revolver with shot♦kitty expression♦blenshape body♦Expressions 4 cyntessa and 5 tessa shadow♦silly expression♦blenshape for world MMD- world avatar : avatar cyntesso:avataryou can modify or edit the texture and the base mesh then make modifications to make your vtubers models, also let me know to support you on my social networks <3-too,If you have problems uploading the avatar, I can upload it to your account-Do not broadcast the files, share the link of the asset-Give me credits-Do not resell -You can make your version public, but it must be an edited version.-have fun ¡¡NO LICENCE COMERCIAL, if you want licence for game, Contact me please <3USE SHADER POYOMI 7.3 and 8.1-If you have any problems or you need more information, talk me<3 Discord : yumilycredits:GOGOLOCO : Colt Navy Revolver - Download Free 3D model by Steven Jurriaans (@StevenJurriaans) [960c842]credits design : IMPORTANT--------------------These products are not responsible if you do not know how to use unity or your PC does not support it. Also, there is no refund on digital products, all these products are FUNCTIONAL, if you have any problem, let me know, you have a link to dsicord above, create a ticket and give me information about the purchase
Gumroad (
Found by Noctua -
Uzi murder drones 2.0 (Gogoloco+ PC/QUEST+BLENDER+IK)
♦ GoGo Loco♦ Multiple clothing and toys♦ Multiple espressions face♦ Unity Package♦Blender file (armatur with IK)♦ file subtancer painterInfo:♦32.04MB♦139k Polygons♦16 mesh♦52 material♦32physbone♦9 outfits ♦2 hairs ♦pets followers and pets in the head♦blink with animation♦ wings and tail with bone♦kitty expression and knife♦blenshape body and breats♦Expressions 9♦blenshape for world MMD- world avatar : can modify or edit the texture and the base mesh then make modifications to make your vtubers models, also let me know to support you on my social networks <3-too,If you have problems uploading the avatar, I can upload it to your account-Do not broadcast the files, share the link of the asset-Give me credits-Do not resell-have fun ¡¡NO LICENCE COMERCIAL, if you want licence for game, Contact me please <3USE SHADER POYOMI 7.3 and 8.1-If you have any problems or you need more information, talk me <3Discord : yumilycredits:GOGOLOCO : products are not responsible if you do not know how to use unity or your PC does not support it. Also, there is no refund on digital products, all these products are FUNCTIONAL, if you have any problem, let me know, you have a link to dsicord above, create a ticket and give me information about the purchase
Gumroad (
Found by mindlessgonzo -
Cyntessa/ Tessa murder drones (PC/Quest+BLENDER+ GOGOLOCO)
♦ GoGo Loco♦ Multiple clothing and toys♦ Multiple espressions face♦ Unity Package♦Blender file (armatur with rig face)♦ file subtancer painterInfo:♦66.83MB♦270k Polygons♦22 mesh♦50 material♦32physbone♦6 outfits♦blink with animation♦ wings, tentacles, sword with particle , revolver with shot♦kitty expression♦blenshape body♦Expressions 4 cyntessa and 5 tessa shadow♦silly expression♦blenshape for world MMD- world avatar : avatar cyntessa: can modify or edit the texture and the base mesh then make modifications to make your vtubers models, also let me know to support you on my social networks <3-too,If you have problems uploading the avatar, I can upload it to your account-Do not broadcast the files, share the link of the asset-Give me credits-Do not resell -You can make your version public, but it must be an edited version.-have fun ¡¡NO LICENCE COMERCIAL, if you want licence for game, Contact me please <3USE SHADER POYOMI 7.3 and 8.1GitHub - kurotu/VRCQuestTools: Unity editor extension to support uploading VRChat avatars for Oculus Quest-If you have any problems or you need more information, talk me<3 Discord : yumilycredits:GOGOLOCO : Colt Navy Revolver - Download Free 3D model by Steven Jurriaans (@StevenJurriaans) [960c842]particle : Scrape Sparks VFX | Fabclothe elegant pajama froggy : Im UR FL0WER (@uwutheflower) | TikTokIMPORTANT--------------------These products are not responsible if you do not know how to use unity or your PC does not support it. Also, there is no refund on digital products, all these products are FUNCTIONAL, if you have any problem, let me know, you have a link to dsicord above, create a ticket and give me information about the purchase
Gumroad (
Not found
V murder drones (gogoloco+ PC/QUEST+BLENDER+IK) (v 2.0)
♦ GoGo Loco ♦ Unity Package ♦Blender file (avatar with IK) ♦ file subtancer painter Info: ♦34.36MB ♦69 Polygons ♦16 mesh ♦32 material ♦32physbone ♦9 outfits ♦wings and claws ♦Kitty expressions plush V cat and bubbles ♦Expressions 12 and more - world avatar : you can modify or edit the texture and the base mesh. -Do not broadcast the files, share the link of the asset -Give me credits -Do not resell -have fun ¡¡ NO LICENCE COMERCIAL USE SHADER POYOMI 7.3 and 8.1 -If you have any problems or you need more information, talk me <3 modifications to make your vtubers models,game and more... also let me know to support you on my social networks <3 -too,If you have problems uploading the avatar, I can upload it to your account Discord : yumilycredits: GOGOLOCO : BUBBLE :
Gumroad (
Not found
CYN murder drones v 2.0(GOGOLOCO+ PC/QUEST+BLENDER+IK)
♦ GoGo Loco ♦ Multiple clothing and toys ♦ Multiple espressions face♦ Unity Package ♦Blender file (armatur with IK) ♦ file subtancer painter Info: ♦25MB ♦101k Polygons ♦16 mesh ♦32 material ♦32physbone ♦3 outfits ♦blink with animation ♦ cameras and claws with animation ♦kitty expression and cup ♦Expressions 9 ♦pat pat in head and you can touch the hat (have sound the noiser of freddy) ♦blenshape for world MMD - world avatar : you can modify or edit the texture and the base mesh. -Do not broadcast the files, share the link of the asset -Give me credits -Do not resell -have fun ¡¡ NO LICENCE COMERCIAL, if you want licence for game, Contact me please <3 USE SHADER POYOMI 7.3 and 8.1 -If you have any problems or you need more information, talk me <3 Discord : yumilycredits: GOGOLOCO :
Gumroad (
Not found
J murder drones (GOGOLOCO+ PC/QUEST) (vrs 2.0)
♦ GoGo Loco♦ Multiple clothing and toys♦ Multiple espressions face♦ Unity Package♦Blender file (armatur with IK)♦ file subtancer painterInfo:♦24.74MB♦142k Polygons♦16 mesh♦32 material♦32physbone♦9 outfits and 5 outfit for j male♦2 hair♦j girl and j male♦blink with animation♦ wings and tail with bone♦kitty expression and claws♦Expressions 9♦blenshape for world MMD- world avatar : can modify or edit the texture and the base mesh.-Do not broadcast the files, share the link of the asset-Give me credits-Do not resell-have fun¡¡ NO LICENCE COMERCIAL,if you want licence for game, Contact me please <3 USE SHADER POYOMI 7.3 and 8.1-If you have any problems or you need more information, talk me <3Discord : yumilycredits:GOGOLOCO : products are not responsible if you do not know how to use unity or your PC does not support it. Also, there is no refund on digital products, all these products are FUNCTIONAL, if you have any problem, let me know, you have a link to dsicord above, create a ticket and give me information about the purchase
Gumroad (
Not found
N murder drones (V2.0) (GOGOLOCO+PC/QUEST+BLENDER)
♦ GoGo Loco♦ Multiple clothing and toys♦ Multiple espressions face♦ Unity Package♦Blender file (armatur with IK)♦ file subtancer painterInfo:♦39.23MB♦162k Polygons♦16 mesh♦63 material♦32physbone♦9 outfits♦1 hair and hat♦pets followers and pets in the head ♦blink with animation♦ wings and tail with bone♦kitty expression and 2 guns with shot♦Expressions 9♦blenshape for world MMD- world avatar : can modify or edit the texture and the base mesh.-Do not broadcast the files, share the link of the asset-Give me credits-Do not resell-have fun ¡¡NO LICENCE COMERCIALif you want licence for game, Contact me please <3USE SHADER POYOMI 7.3 and 8.1-If you have any problems or you need more information, talk me <3modifications to make your vtubers models,game and more... also let me know to support you on my social networks <3-too,If you don't know how to use unity, I can upload it to your accountDiscord : yumilycredits:GOGOLOCO : products are not responsible if you do not know how to use unity or your PC does not support it. Also, there is no refund on digital products, all these products are FUNCTIONAL, if you have any problem, let me know, you have a link to dsicord above, create a ticket and give me information about the purchase
Gumroad (
bump for cyn
Bump for Cyntessa
Apparently they have a world, so if you can't get the avatars at the moment, you can at least wear them.
I sacrificed for CynTessa. Gimme a bit to put the unity package on MEGA.
I sacrificed for CynTessa. Gimme a bit to put the unity package on MEGA.
@mindlessgonzo WOOOO
Top Gear Top Tip: There's a few missing scripts in them that are of no importance and Yumily suggests to delete them.
Thank you @mindlessgonzo