LANTINE Whitenoise 1.0 updated model
オリジナル 3D モデル [ランティーネ] Original 3D Model LANTINE | 1.1 - SPEK STROM - BOOTH
最適化のため、ユニティ内でテクスチャサイズを小さくしてセットしました。 Matcapを除いたほとんどの場合、4K基準で製作されていますので、状況に合わせてお使いください。 최적화를 위해 유니티 내에서 텍스쳐 사이즈를 줄여서 세팅하였습니다. Matcap을 제외한 대부분의 경우 4K 기준으로 제작되었으니 상황에 맞게 사용하시기 바랍니다. For optimization, texture size was set to a smaller size within Unity. Except for Matcap, most of them are made based on
Looking for the updated version of this one where she has a new outfit added. I saw the creator on twitter showing the updates of it finally being added!