Scorbunny by valorlynz
b ump
mega bump!
I'm looking if anybody has found or made a Vrc rigged version of this model. Iv tried to do it but its just got way to much going on for me to do it with my meager skills. Here's the Blender and SFM files if anybody wants it. i ported this to vrchat a lil while ago i got u bro just use latest poiyomi toon shader -
@jvaldez710 i ported this to vrchat a lil while ago i got u bro just use latest poiyomi toon shader hummm i have model blender a i want in vrchat you cant help or not
Everyone use blend for make a unity package bump
@icookmeth hummm i have model blender a i want in vrchat you cant help or not
@jvaldez710 i ported this to vrchat a lil while ago i got u bro just use latest poiyomi toon shader you are a god my good sir. Relly appreciate it.