looking for specific guns!
【VRChat】Glock 19 Pistol Realistic Operation SDK3.5.2+ - vrc-rin - BOOTH
禁止闲鱼等平台二次贩售 Avatar 3.0 *Shader:poiyomi ***Write Default on only*** ***Must Use Unity2022, SDK3.5.2+*** Installing using MA(modular avatar) https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/ *You need to manually adjust the position of Prefab sub objects to ensure that the weapon is in the correct position. Usage:
【VRChat想定】Avatars3.0向けギミック 「DAGsHG No.01 .45 シルバー DS」【ModularAvatar対応】 - U Shop - BOOTH
■□━━━━━━━・・・・・‥‥‥‥‥‥…………… 【最新アップデート情報 ver2.0.1】 - 効果音がワールド全体で聞こえてしまう不具合の修正 ■□━━━━━━━・・・・・‥‥‥‥‥‥…………… ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 2024年12月05日 00:00~ 価格改定いたします 通常価格:2000円 ↓ 通常価格:1500円 ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 本商品は、VRChatでの利用を想定した、アバター用射撃ギミックです。 ModulerAvaterを導入済みの場合、5か所の位置合わせのみで導入完了! 本製品では、当ショップで作成した3Dモデルを利用しています。
【VRChat】AX50 Realistic Operation SDK3.5.2+ - vrc-rin - BOOTH
禁止闲鱼等平台二次贩售 Avatar 3.0 *Shader:poiyomi ***Write Default on only*** ***Must Use Unity2022, SDK3.5.2+*** Installing using MA(modular avatar) https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/ *You need to manually adjust the position of Prefab sub objects to ensure that the weapon is in the correct position. Usage:
【VRChat】Flux Defense Raider P320 Realistic Operation - vrc-rin - BOOTH
禁止闲鱼等平台二次贩售 Avatar 3.0 Recommend using Unity2022 *Shader:poiyomi Complete network synchronization ***Write Default on only*** Installing using MA(modular avatar) https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/ *You need to manually adjust the position of Prefab sub objects to ensure that the weapon is in the
【VRChat】SIG SAUER MCX SPEAR NGSW XM7 Realistic Operation SDK3.5.2+ - vrc-rin - BOOTH
禁止闲鱼等平台二次贩售 Avatar 3.0 *Shader:poiyomi Complete network synchronization ***Write Default on only*** ***Must Use Unity2022, SDK3.5.2+*** Installing using MA(modular avatar) https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/ *You need to manually adjust the position of Prefab sub objects to ensure that the weapon is
【3Dモデル・MA対応・VRChat想定】G19 Gen5 Pistol | Base MKG1 | Low-poly - Update | v3.6 - MimikuWo - BOOTH
⚠️モデルはMimikuWoによって作成されました|Twitter:@MIMIKUCN。 ⚠️このモデルは純メッシュ3 Dモデルであり、実物ではない。アニメーションデータは一切含まず、アニメーション、ゲーム、MOD制作などに使用できます。 ⚠️以下の利用規約を必ずお読みください。 ❤️❤️If you like my work, feel free to follow my X: @MimikuWo. I will be updating the progress of my new works there in real time. Your support means a lot to
Spas-12 Shotgun | PhysBones / Gesture controlled - Fukaziroh - BOOTH
Fully Functional Spas-12 for your VRChat avatar, with toggleable firemode between Pump Action and Semi-Auto! Item only works with animator using WRITE DEFAULTS ON!!! Requires the Mochie Uber Shader! For the Installation it's recommended to use AV3.0 Manager! This Prefab supports both VR and Desktop,
bump this hard!
Bump this harder!
bump for ax-50
+1 bump for ax-50
---->Glock download! <----
---->Glock download! <----
@GreenySauce01 Thank u very much >w<
This post is deleted!
its literally drag and drop, and as well use the Modular Avatar system OR VRCFury.
both are free system that u could find via googling, both work the same, yet differently.
{for simple/advanced toggle system}
{clothe dressing and "FUN TOYS" implementing}-
Modular Avatar: https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/docs/intro
VRCFury: https://vrcfury.com/