LF : Pixelwave by WispyWoo
PixelWave is a liminal retro themed world! It was made for a 24 world jam I did on stream! Enjoy(?) the liminal vibe, and explore as you get turn around, and confused.Base File Size - 105.23 MBLink to preview World - https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_e9b7ab9e-2d1f-4e43-ac55-3b45ad44b3f5Features Performance Toggles/World Toggles a wild liminal vibe Rights to upload publicly (do not delete credits if uploaded publicly) Sorted hierarchy for easy editing Night Mode/Changing Skybox A completely custom UI system Updated Pens! (desktop Mode Added!) Collar system included! MAP DOES NOT COME WITH DUCK SYSTEM, YOU CAN BUY THE PREFAB HERE This is the world files for the VRCWorld PixelWave! Easy open, setup and upload!STEPS FOR INSTALL1. Download Zipped/RAR world file and Unpack (if multiple files unzip all together at the same time) (DO NOT MAKE A NEW UNITY PROJECT)2. Make sure you have the latest (vrchat) unity installed (2022.3.6f1)3. Go to the creator companion and click "Add Existing Project"4. Navigate to the unzipped world file, and select it (unity should start opening the project)5. AND THATS IT! You can click publish right away on the unity SDK, or edit what you'd like!CreditsCode - LavyLogo - CatMeltPens, Plant shader - Z3yStandard Shader - MochieCollars - TapGhoulOrels - UI Shader, fake skybox shaderSpin the Bottle, Cards - ModerateWinGuyPool Table - VRCBilliardsCommunityWorld Lighting is Baked with Bakery, not unity's default engine, if you want to re-bake you need bakery ^^ (bakery is purchased from the unity asset store) (click here)Main TOS No files from included project can be taken out and used on other projects. All files received should not be redistributed to anyone. If the world is publicly uploaded on any social vr platform the main credits page must still be included. Files can be uploaded to vrchat, Resonite and chillout vr. No other platform, this is open to change to add more platforms in the future. Files cannot be used for commercial profit with out express permission. (this doesn't apply to avatar worlds/videos, or in vr streaming! on included platforms, vrchat, Resonite and chillout vr.) No files can be used in the training or in associated products of AI. Thank you so much for checking out my map! ^^
Gumroad (wispywoo.gumroad.com)