LF for Christmas Pancho and Warmers for Novabeast!
Christmas Poncho and Warmers for the Novabeast
This Product is selling cheaper on Jinxxyhttps://jinxxy.com/Coofie_/LJpi8Stay warm in the artic winds~Feedback is appreciated, lemme know if anything needs fixing!Though this is Christmas themed, feel free to adapt it into anything you think would be great! Don't be weird thoWARNING: Strings clip through chest if breasts toggle is used. This can be fixed manually by increasing the Physbone collider in Unity!If there are any issues with this product send a message! Id love to help :TwitterDiscord: Coofie_Get the Avatar!NovabeastCredits to: Nova Avatar: https://kittomatic.gumroad.com/l/Novabeast Poiyomi Shader : https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader/releasesHair Assets used (NOT INCLUDED)Used in Video Thistle Hair : https://krunklehorn.gumroad.com/l/Thistle Pre-rigged pony tail : https://seedsy.gumroad.com/l/ponytail Compatible with VRC FuryContains Blend File Unity Package Substance files 1 Base textures for ALL assets 2 Variants for Poncho + Warmers Christmas Poncho Christmas Arm and Leg Warmers Mistletoe Earrings Statistics: Poly Count: 9,006 Materials : 4 Uses Substance painter version 10.1.1 Change Logs:
Gumroad (coofie.gumroad.com)
Please, eager for this :0
[No Trading] -
bump(I have it, i just can't send it, so I am helping these people)
bump(I have it, i just can't send it, so I am helping these people)
@PowerfulNoodle huh? bump
@PowerfulNoodle huh? bump
@3hunna someone gave me the files of the poncho on discord, but I can not send it here lol, so i am doing bumps, to help these people that don't have it