lf Cam's Hunting Rifle (VRChat)
Cam's Hunting Rifle (VRChat)
The first asset in The Armory series of 3D and technical assets surrounding the theme of combat operations.The Hunting Rifle is a fully functional Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle System that relies fully on physical interaction to control!I AM RECEPTIVE TO FEEDBACK! If you think there is something that I can improve on, join my Discord and tell me!CreditsMigero's Scope Shader, VFX by Skaley, VRLabs Offset Constraints ConceptScript, 3D model and Textures, System Logic and Hierarchy by meJoin My Discord!✅ Quality of Life ✅⭕Write Defaults ON and OFF Supported!⭕VRCFury Compatible!⭕Works at any avatar size!⭕Comes with both Poiyomi and Standard Shader materials⭕Uses latest blendtree tech to combine 11 layers into 1!⭕Automated Setup - Hardly any Unity knowledge required!!! This asset comes with an automated setup script and companion video that can get the system installed and uninstalled from your avatar in as little as 30 seconds! literally!✅ Features ✅⭕ 7 Gun Skins! (A small amount of decals on the weapon skins have been AI generated)⭕Fully integrated, synced, and satisfying audio effects for all actions(Equip and Unequip, bolt pull with/without bullet ejection, bolt release, shooting, dry fire, mag out, and mag in)⭕Two handed mode - attach the gun to both hands⭕Fully synced ammo system that integrates into all of the animations! And yes, you can overfill the magazine.⭕Fully functioning variable-zoom scope with a custom parallax shader to mimic the behavior of a real-world scope ⭕Helpful and minimal UI telling you ammo count, and whether or not you have to reload or rechamber a new round!⭕World drop so you can look at the gun without breaking your wrists⭕Immersive and realistic animations with great attention to detail based on real-world weapons! ✅ Satisfying Controls ✅⭕Fully functioning bolt and reload system complete with audio effects, and toggleable visual aids to help you find the sweet spot to grab the interactable points.⭕You can reload, shoot, AND pull the bolt back with the same hand!! Just like real life!⭕Physically reach over your shoulder to equip and unequip with audio effects!⭕Helpful visual aids to show you where to grab to reload and to pull the bolt back✅ Keep Your Aim Steady ✅Motion Smoothing⭕ Ever find it annoying to hit those long shots due to shaky hands or bad tracking? No problem! ⭕ My system will smooth your movements based on the squeeze of your left trigger/gripMemory Constraints⭕The system will remember its last location relative to your grabbing points to make it feel as smooth as possible!✅ REQUIREMENTS ✅Creator Companion and VRCSDK3VCC Version of VRLabs AV3Manager(If using Poiyomi Shader - Poiyomi Toon v8.1.166)✅ Terms of Sale ✅Do not redistribute under any circumstancesPurchase the correct version for your use case please Do not claim this work as your ownIf you use this model on streaming / social media platforms / advertisements, you must credit this Gumroad pageYou cannot make public avatars using any parts of this assetThese rules are subject to change
Gumroad (camsaviis.gumroad.com)