A few Avis From 1058mart
Newest WeekEnd - https://workupload.com/file/MtPgZWvqBMV
Newest Tarte Tatin - https://workupload.com/file/gML9AYaUeBc@mallowswirl Links are down, would you be able to reupload them?
Actually, Tarte Tatin got another update today, bump for new update!!!
2024/6/14 素体シェイプキーの意図しない値を修正
bump for Stracciatella latest version -
bump for meringue
bump for Stracciatella, WeekEnd, Tarte Tatin, Meringue latest version
bump for updates
2024/10/22 ver.4にアップデート
liltoon化、FXLayerの改修、Hair_Base(後頭部)の追加 ほか
bump for Weekend latest version -
2024/08/23 ver.4にアップデート
liltoon化、FXLayerの改修、Hair_Base(後頭部)の追加 ほか
bump for Tarte Tatin latest version -
2024/6/14 素体シェイプキーの意図しない値を修正
bump for Stracciatella latest version -
2024/8/31 ver.3にアップデート
liltoon化、FXLayerの改修、Hair_Base(後頭部)の追加 ほか
bump for Granyu latest version -
2024/11/2 本体更新(ver.3)
liltoon化、FXLayerの改修、Hair_Base(後頭部)の追加 ほか
bump for Meringue latest version -
Bump (❁´◡`❁)