LF:Shinano assets
10 please
12 please
bump for no. 9
bump for 9 and 12
Anyone has this for Shinano by any chance please .. ?
I search it desperately ..お姉さんしなの✧メイクテクスチャ+ブレンドシェイプ✧Makeup texture+Face Blendshape - Konoyo - BOOTH
しなのでお姉さん作りたくないですか? 作りたいですよね。 でもお姉さん改変難しいよってあなたにはこちら!!!! 顔のブレンドシェイプとお姉さん改変用に調整されたメイクテクスチャ~~~~~ 【 内容物 】 メイクテクスチャ PNG 2枚 ・メイク+肌色PNG ・肌色抜きPNG(デフォルト以外の肌色をお使いの方向け) ※アイメイクとリップのみのデータです。 まつ毛・舌などのテクスチャはございません。 お求めの方は当ショップの別商品をどうぞ! https://anoyode.booth.pm/items/6271616 フェイスブレンドシェイプ画像 8枚 ※unityのスクリーンショットです
Hello im new here and i dont really understand how this site work, i was searching for the Shinano avatar for free and i found this forum here, and everyone replies with bump, is that how you get the avatar or do i need to do something else? :0
@dragneel i'll offer some notes.
- "bumping" is replying to a post with the intent to move it to the top of its category, raising visibility.
- "bumping" a specific number or asset essentially shows you just want that one asset. can do more than one, but yeah.
- to find a specific item or asset in a post, click "search", then the cogwheel, then paste the numbers at the end of the booth link into the search bar.
- when getting items off this site, know people will ban you from servers if they learn you do so immorally. moral piracy is to take something from sites like these, and then buy it at a later date.