Booth Megadump!! ✔
aren't all of these already posted here?
@kukupickles Nope! Alot of those i bought myself, If they're already posted here then im not aware of it.
E eiron referenced this topic on
would be great if the other stuff was on a different type of service so we don't have to pay the mega link
M mom referenced this topic on
Thank you for the dump but...
Please fix your Selestia, not only it has the whole folder zipped again with 8 extra zip files inside which almost doubles the space for nothing but there are also 4 duplicate files:
Selestia_EyeTexture_Jel (1)
Selestia_MakeUpBody_Jel (1)
Selestia-ONLY_Makeup (1)
zero__party_dress_selestia_v1_0 (1) -
can someone help with downloading the mamehinata one? it wont let me ;-;
@emerellthomas @shelby_da_wolf You've probably managed to download by now, but I figured I would still extend a helping hand to any others that might be struggling with download limits... for however long these links last anyway.
@emerellthomas @shelby_da_wolf You've probably managed to download by now, but I figured I would still extend a helping hand to any others that might be struggling with download limits... for however long these links last anyway.
@Ataraksea Thank you so so much. I hate Mega and their download
@emerellthomas @shelby_da_wolf You've probably managed to download by now, but I figured I would still extend a helping hand to any others that might be struggling with download limits... for however long these links last anyway.
@Ataraksea Thank you for helping other people download the folders!! I appreciate it :3
I'll try to make it easier to download my updated dump thats currently in progress!
@emerellthomas @shelby_da_wolf You've probably managed to download by now, but I figured I would still extend a helping hand to any others that might be struggling with download limits... for however long these links last anyway.
@Ataraksea Can you share these again please?