LF: Avatars with Effects
Looking for avatars that were either private/deleted over time or nowhere to be found. I added a list of what they do, and some avatars will not have screenshots as I didn't manage to do that in time.
Acheron (Author: domestic cheeto)
- Can use Katana. The sheath and katana can be unholstered by doing the open-hand gesture.
- Can do 'Octobolt Flash' by doing the fist gesture on the left hand which changes how she grips her sheath, then pull out the katana to summon her clones and close the katana to create a portal-like slash.
- Can do 'Slashed Dream Cries in Red' by toggling on Ultimate then pull out the katana to create a domain and change her appearance.
Herrscher of Truth (Author: Unknown/TBA)
- Uses a Selestia model.
- Can use weapons like Spear, large swords, guns, and cannons.
- Has an interactable screen that allows you to switch between melee and combat mode.
- Can do Ultimate attack. (Video)
Might add more to this list if I randomly remembered something or something caught my eye.
"I weep for the departed."
I might think of a different plan soon. If anything, where can I find a portal image like this one?