How to upload files
I usually have a lot of things shared with me. So now I want to share what I buy! I just don't know how to do it. Can someone kind tell me?
EchoSeeker [キプフェル、ネメシス対応] | Eichi's Variety Store (えいちの雑貨店) #booth_pm -
【ルルネ専用】Tail Ring【VRChat】 | Oniwa Street Stalls #booth_pm
This and
「萌対応」ぬるてか水滴ボディーテクスチャー~Sweat Texture~ *2023/06/02 Update!* | Atelier Astra #booth_pm
I also buy this
u can use workupload and upload the file of wtv u bought and then share the link
workupload - Store and send large files.
Upload documents, images and files for free - without registration.
workupload - Store and send large files.
Upload documents, images and files for free - without registration.
Thank you! Should I continue writing this somewhere else instead of here? This is my first time here. -
Thank you! Should I continue writing this somewhere else instead of here? This is my first time here.@Sutenekosan Here or in a new post is fine! But I think making a post dedicated to those shares would get more attention but it's up to you!