GIFT : dump of tinies assets
@nekoluvvs shes like " i SAID snort THAT SHES MY FRIEND !! are you incompetent!!?
@nekoluvvs fuckin yin bro or whoever the fuck
@nekoluvvs exactly like why are you crying in my dms on in the big 2024, shut up ooomg
@dollace exactly like get out!!! its the person w the pwups usr or wtv ? thats yin lol and like all of tinies friends r rippers plus i have acc ss of tinie bein a ripper so idk why shes also denying that part and how shes so big on "no ripping" in her serv lol
@nekoluvvs lmfaooo bro
what happened lol?
@nekoluvvs Taken down due to backlash i assume, but the clips were pretty ugly anyway so it doesnt matter too much
oml i wish i could see the drama but im ip banned
im pretty sure i have everything that was uploaded, i can reupload it as a zip file with some assets from sora as well :3 ill post a workupload in a minute
- here you go!
This post is deleted!
Where can I find the Ashi avatar from Tinie?
i hate to keep posting on this thread but does anyone have the link to this avatar? i cant get the link because im banned from cherris server too ...edit: nevermind! looks like it was privated lol