GIFT : dump of tinies assets
@dollace shes mad asf lolll her announcements channel is supr funny LOL hai tinie ik ur stalkin this forum
LOLOLOL she's on you girl....
@sweetazuki tinies a child fetishizing weirdo who thinks acting like a little girl is cute. She deserves everything that comes to her + her avis all look rlly low quality. The only reason she has a fanbase is cause she stole soras personality
@sweetazuki tinies a child fetishizing weirdo who thinks acting like a little girl is cute. She deserves everything that comes to her + her avis all look rlly low quality. The only reason she has a fanbase is cause she stole soras personality
@fluffye3 preachhhhh say it for the ppl in the backkk
@dollace shes mad asf lolll her announcements channel is supr funny LOL hai tinie ik ur stalkin this forum
@nekoluvvs lol i heard she blacklisted you , yet didnt blacklist me , the person who made the fucking forum lmfao!!
@dollace does bro even have my discord lol how can she bl me w/o my discord lolll
@dollace does bro even have my discord lol how can she bl me w/o my discord lolll
yeah i saw it too lol idk why she acts like shes not bad the least tinie could do is take accountability
oof they found u?
oof they found u?
oof they found u?
@nekoluvvs No?? tinies js so self centered to the point of not being able to recognize that anyones capable of disliking her. Idek why ppl are saying im poyo or whoever tf. Ive literally ripped that chicks stuff too
@fluffye3 im talkin abt doll aparently tinie found their user im lurkin in the server :3
@fluffye3 im talkin abt doll aparently tinie found their user im lurkin in the server :3
@fluffye3 im talkin abt doll aparently tinie found their user im lurkin in the server :3
yin dm'd me lol defending tinie idk why they choose to hang arnd her tbhh
yin dm'd me lol defending tinie idk why they choose to hang arnd her tbhh
@nekoluvvs Tinies mods are actually so chronically online. Its baffling how much they meat ride her even while knowing all the problematic stuff shes done. Its crazy how ppl are able to recognize that sora and all them are bad ppl but when it comes to tinie shes like some saint that can do no wrong. LOL
@nekoluvvs Tinies mods are actually so chronically online. Its baffling how much they meat ride her even while knowing all the problematic stuff shes done. Its crazy how ppl are able to recognize that sora and all them are bad ppl but when it comes to tinie shes like some saint that can do no wrong. LOL
@fluffye3 her mods r so weird for supporting her... alot of her mods/close friends r also just weird in general..
yin dm'd me lol defending tinie idk why they choose to hang arnd her tbhh
@dollace who was it sayin it lol? tinie?
@dollace who was it sayin it lol? tinie?