LF: the grabby collar by rishin
the grabby collar (+ leash) | vrchat asset
A grabbable collar (and leash!) for VRChat. THIS ASSET IS ONLY AVAILABLE ON GUMROAD AND KO-FI. By buying and using this asset, you agree to the Terms and Conditions at the end of this page.The Grabby CollarA collar that stretches when someone grabs it. Perfect for those close-range tugs~Leash also included for extra fun! :)NOTE: This asset uses Poiyomi shaders and VRCFury. VRCFury is used for feature toggles and OSCLeash integration; while not strictly necessary, it's highly recommended. Poiyomi shaders are used for the metallic/shiny effects on the loops and tags. Poiyomi ShadersVRCFuryOSCLeashOSCLeash is a tool created by ZenithVal to automatically move you around when one of your Physbones is pulled.This collar comes with OSCLeash already set up for the Physbone on the front of the collar, the back of the collar, and the leash. If you don't want to use OSCLeash, you can simply not add the relevant prefab during the installation process.(not actual OSCLeash footage)Purchase Includes: .blend file .fbx file Texture .png's + UV's + .psd [v1.2] Substance Painter .spp file (special thanks to Cryogen!) Collar prefab .unitypackage Setup instructions Performance DetailsThe full collar and leash (with all tags, loops, and toggles) uses: 6512 triangles 4 Physbone components 2 textures (4096 x 1024) and 2 specular maps 12 Skinned Mesh Renderers It's recommended to optimize the asset in Blender or Unity, keeping only the parts you want.Changelogv1.2 (2024-12-04) Simplified the setup process. Made OSCLeash tug direction more consistent. v1.0 (2024-11-30)Released the Grabby Collar.Terms and ConditionsYou MAY: Modify the asset for personal use. Use this asset in your personal images/videos/streams/etc. Sell and/or commission textures for this asset, as long as all parties involved have purchased the asset. You MAY NOT: Claim credit or ownership of this asset. Distribute the files to anyone who has not purchased the asset. Use any part of this asset for commercial purposes, such as including it on another avatar to be sold, or bundled with other assets. If you would like to use this for commercial purposes, please contact me. I reserve the right update this asset (with extra content) or these terms and conditions at any time.As this asset is digital, purchases are nonrefundable.ContactContact me by DM'ing @rishinuwu on Twitter or Telegram, or @rishin.art on Bluesky.CreditsThank you so much to Zell950 for being a second actor in all these clips!Thank you as well to Shiyun for helping record footage for the trailer!And thank you for getting to the end, here! :)
Gumroad (rishinuwu.gumroad.com)
The link is posted here
enjoy :3 -