Sapphire by Nep
I have her for Trading.
@mementovrc what are you looking for?
@mementovrc what are you looking for?
@tawali message me to discuss about it.
@Kitsu0000 I have few coming on my dm's that are interested.
@anorexic This person bought the avatar with personal money, and this avatar is quite expensive, so please do not insult his decision to trade
@anorexic This person bought the avatar with personal money, and this avatar is quite expensive, so please do not insult his decision to trade
@Admiral Exactly. I don't usually do trades and it's my first time, I only did it because I'm trying to get my money worth with trading for other assets, And I don't usually ask for Expensive avatars I don't mind anything that's from 5 usd to 25 usd range.
@anorexic This person bought the avatar with personal money, and this avatar is quite expensive, so please do not insult his decision to trade
and thats our problem how? they DECIDED to buy the avatar, no one forced them. trading is lame, this community used to be different, if someone had a file, youd ask and you'd receive, now ppl have trade and DNT lists. the community is built around sharing. don't be lame.