Nardoragon 3.1 Nardotaur - Found???
by sheer fucking luck i managed to see and cache-rip a nardo 3.1 taur, i'm gonna try my damn hardest to fix it and post it if i do. just making this post so i don't forget. ask if you wanna try your hand at it yourself.
@zeta-zaza here have fun (Original Needed Final-IK)
thanks @TheLoneyBunny and bump for visibility
@zeta-zaza here have fun (Original Needed Final-IK)
@zeta-zaza here have fun (Original Needed Final-IK)
official beta for v3 :3 final ik needed, stub recommended
(ridiculous the amount of money this thing requires, though the work put into it is really nice) -
official beta for v3 :3 final ik needed, stub recommended
(ridiculous the amount of money this thing requires, though the work put into it is really nice) -
@DelVil oh jesus did you go buy the avis needed for it?? im so sorry, i already did that and leaked v3 in another post lol..