Skaley Bats Spawn/Vanish - skaleyseto - BOOTH
I made this effect for Halloween so things can be a little more spooky! In this package you get the Bats Vanish Effect. [NOTE: DON'T BUY THESE ASSETS IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING, SOME EXPERIENCE WITH UNITY RECOMMENDED!!] Shader Used: https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader/releases
Skaley's Full Moon - skaleyseto - BOOTH
I made this effect for Halloween so things can be a little more spooky! In this package you get the Full Moon Effect. [NOTE: DON'T BUY THESE ASSETS IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING, SOME EXPERIENCE WITH UNITY RECOMMENDED!!] Shader Used: https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader/releases SETUP
【unity/VRChat】Fire Dragon Effect / 火龍エフェクト(2024) - CooGee (こーじぃ) - BOOTH
🐉内容物🐉 Fire Dragon Effect / 火龍(辰)エフェクト 2024 辰年にちなんだ、燃える龍のエフェクトです。 ※効果音SEも同梱しております。 (PostProcessing をかけることによって、キレイに見えます。参考までに設定したシーンを同梱しています。) ----- 更新履歴 ----- 2024/01/02 Fire Dragon Effect 2024_v2 全マテリアルをinspectorで調整できるようエディタ拡張を追加しました。 ■動作環境 unity version: 2022.3.6f1 Build-in VRChat Creator Companion
【VRChat/Unity】 Halloween Coffin Spawn Animation - NayuWorks - BOOTH
Made for Unity(2019.4.31f1 or newer) join my discord: https://discord.gg/N6tCUB4 Halloween Coffin Spawn Animation tutorial: https://youtu.be/EK3fSq4k_lg ******************* CREDITS ******************* - Credits: Luka Shader (lukasong.booth.pm - https://www.luka.moe/) S1lent Magic Particle Shader
{ Please bump if u see this
Bump for bats
Bump bats