LF Moxy by Valorlynz (Helluva Boss)
@donkeykon3 Here yah go ^^
Moxxie Valorlynz VRC port.unitypackage
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pixeldrain (pixeldrain.com)
@donkeykon3 Here yah go ^^
Moxxie Valorlynz VRC port.unitypackage
This file has been shared with you on pixeldrain
pixeldrain (pixeldrain.com)
@Potato2022 Anything we need to know, like what packages to include, or has this got everything all set up?
i think its all same rutine of Vrc Fury, Poiyomi and such.
i think its all same rutine of Vrc Fury, Poiyomi and such.
@Potato2022 oh wait is this already set up for vrc?
The only thing wrong is that the bottomless option isn't bottomless! Beyond that? Really really good...
So when you use the avi do the legs not move for ya'll or is that a problem only I'm having
@Dr-hobo yeah the legs are kinda borked when using GGLC or any poses really. Not really sure how to fix that.