LF: Kabal Mystic Sonic NSFW Avatars
I wouldn't mind having the nsfw gogo for them the one I have is pretty much outdated so I been using beyond for a long time as a substitute if you're able to send a link for the file I'll download it and would be sure to add it
@silvabliss https://github.com/LastationVRChat/NSFW-Locomotion its been updated like a couple of months ago
@silvabliss https://github.com/LastationVRChat/NSFW-Locomotion its been updated like a couple of months ago
@KemonoFriend1260 damn gg you beat me to it i had to help with moving stuff and shopping today. had my hands full but thank you for taking my place lol.
think this be more easy for those that dont know how github works https://lastationvrchat.github.io/Lastation-Package-Listing/
add that to your VCC then add package along with other packages you have to make avatar.
next to add this lastation it will be top where all tools are you will see name LastationVRChat open up once you project is ready be sure remove original gogo loco on avatar and hit either full version or short version. once you hit either one those it automatically slaps that bad boy in with no hassle and upload. -
think this be more easy for those that dont know how github works https://lastationvrchat.github.io/Lastation-Package-Listing/
add that to your VCC then add package along with other packages you have to make avatar.
next to add this lastation it will be top where all tools are you will see name LastationVRChat open up once you project is ready be sure remove original gogo loco on avatar and hit either full version or short version. once you hit either one those it automatically slaps that bad boy in with no hassle and upload. -
And i dont think the creator made any Antonie..
@kutunga-tinki said in LF: Kabal Mystic Sonic NSFW Avatars:
And i dont think the creator made any Antonie..
There is a KM MMD version of it if you're willing to port it to VRC
Some KM models are made by others but not by Kabal Mystic since they did gave out the base body so people create their own creations of KM models, you won't see some such as OC ones or personal since they are private but you will see some creations from other series than sonic already created and mostly shared to others.
@kutunga-tinki no god no lol. my guess is either big the cat or the forgotten character Antoine
@Raven-of-Dark2 I could see about doing Antoine at a later date, as primarily they would be released with a pack of other males that's of characters that aren't that well known or obscure, I would wanna get the main cast or popular ones out there first before slowly picking through the more random ones, and I see him being released sometime in December with how things are going and the rhythm I got going, don't wanna give a solid date.
But every category I plan on doing 5 each with a extra special 6th character as thanks, but the males right now are going to end up having 8 as mephiles was a surprise discovery when making shadow, and I did want to do silver along with one final male but decided to throw the third one and final one of this pack in since I really feel it would make sense if I'm doing all of the main cast first.
That's my current plan and it has been shown it is subject to change as I wanna please everyone, but I do wanna have some of the females and genderbents out before focusing exclusively on just male and female characters, and releasing them one at a time until I can wrap them all neatly in a small download and see if I can ship them over to VRModels, as I want them to be more publicly accessible to everyone since all of the current characters that are public, aren't really nsfw or are private even though the models themselves are pretty much public including the base over on deviant art.
Which I know getting them to VRModels is easier said then done as I hear they can be a bit picky on what's uploaded and what isn't otherwise I'll just release the bundle here but keep the individual downloads as well.
Sorry for the long reply and post but I wanna make sure I'm being as transparent and open about how the process of porting these over are and my plans for them but check here daily as like I said I can't give solid dates or estimates, as while I try and do this in a timely fashion I also try to make sure it's quality over quantity.
And to clear any confusion the ones in the bundle will be the same as the individual releases that I put here so you don't have to worry about them being outdated and the links to the bundles will also be posted here along with possibly being posted to VRModels
just saw amy character and been on hunt for it. if anyone knows where find it and how make it for vrchat that be amazing. this was video and she had jiggle physics everywhere and could go nude.
That's a private model that I'm pretty sure the creator isn't handing out. -
Yeah i would say best wait until the KM Amy Rose is out
Ive been using that matterial yesterday
are u planning to do these to?
If there is MMD models of them yeah looking at my files there is a few I have that are part of that pack I can work on and upload at a later date
Here it is the final three of the male pack yayy! finishing things off for now with Eggman/Silver and a special Femboy Tails as thanks. both Tails and Silver come with Super forms and the others I have posted will get them as well along with new updated SPS and Gogo at some point.
You will need Poiyomi/vrcfury for all of them be sure to detach blueprints for each one before uploading and I think Tails bimbo lips do not move while speaking as that would cause issues with his base head not being able to speak. Other than that all of them are ready for upload and are quest compatible if there is any issues be sure to let me know.
but as for now next up is the Females and I plan to start things off with Amy while doing quick updates to all the males like super forms and SPS with new Gogo but hope everyone has a nice and wonderful thanksgiving and I'll be sure to have more out before the holidays ^^
Eggman - https://workupload.com/file/QWuuvWkgFvF
wait tails again?