[ FOUND 2/2 ] Kurai's Female Novabeast
[ Found by me, have fun degens! ]
i unfortunately spent the money without knowing the issues below
[ https://forum.ripper.store/post/505368 ]
so an upvote/rep would be heavily appreciated!Kurai's Female Novabeast
Wanting to feel more you with the Novabeast? I present my Female Novabeast Avatar! Been working hard on her for the past 2 months. Please read everything below to see what she comes with!You MUST OWN THE NOVABEAST BY KITTOMATIC TO RECIEVE THE FILES AND BE VERIFIED IN THE NOVABEAST DISCORD! T.O.S>DO NOT distribute this product to those who have not purchased it>DO NOT do commissions with it unless the other party also owns the product>DO NOT remove my watermark from the texture >DO give me credit once uploaded for the base edit >YOU CANNOT create public versions of this model or use items from this model for your own personal projects>YOU CANNOT use anything from the basic ssp to sell. If you wish to sell textures or adopts the entire texture must be 100% your work! Not anything from the basic sspGet Aisha's texture here!What does she come with?: 2 Base textures 1 Hairstyle 2 Horn Options Piercings Face Tracking 5 Pieces of Clothing Body Blendshapes MMD Visemes Get Estelle by becoming a Kofi Supporter here!Credits: Novabeast TVF Ripped Dress Lace PawPrints Bodysuit Cargos Jerry's Facetracking Novabeast Lashes Horns, Jewellery & Hair made by me! Noir Design by Glitchy! Huge thank you to my testers and a few named individuals for saving my sanity!Thank you to: Luna wuz here MaxFilmsVR - Showcase Video Recording + production OnyxCode - FT Help Sat Kartoffel - For making a BEAUTIFUL TEXTURE Kittomatic for creating such a beautiful model Jerry for allowing me to use their FT! For any other issues please join the discord for more help!
Gumroad (kuraikaiju.gumroad.com)
https://workupload.com/file/bgxGdXZTu2X [ Pass; FINALKFN ]
Texture found by @irawryou
Aisha FemNova Texture
THIS IS ONLY A TEXTURE, THIS IS NOT THE MODEL NOR THE FBX.YOU CAN BUY THE MODEL HERE -kuraikaiju.gumroad.com/l/KFNThank you for taking interest in my texture! This does come with a map for the gold markings show in the picture!What you get is a texture for the body, mane, eyes, hair, horns.Please do not redistribute, give out to anyone or upload as public.✦ YOU CANNOT TAKE MY TEXTURES AND MAKE THEM INTO FURSONAS WITH 2D ART. YOU CAN DM ME AND ASK ME BUT MOST LIKELY I WILL SAY NO. ✦✦ If you break my TOS and I catch you, you will be black listed. My TOS is within the patchworks discord. ✦As per my TOS I DO NOT give refunds on digital products, you can see my whole TOS within patchworks discord!By buying this you agree to my TOS.No refunds as this is a digital product. Any one found back charging will be black listed!SINCE I SEE SOME OF THE REVIEWS BEING NEGATIVE BECAUSE IT ISN'T FOR THE BASE NOVABEAST IT SAYS FEMNOVA IN THE TITLE IT IS MADE FOR KURAIS FEMNOVA. NOT MEANT FOR THE BASE NOVA BEAST. IF I MAKE BASE NOVABEAST TEXTURES I RELEASE THEM IN THE NOVABEAST DISCORD AS WELL, IF IT ISN'T THERE ITS A SAFE BET ITS FOR THE KURAI FEMNOVA.For the SFW model go to -discord.gg/patchworks For the other model -https://discord.gg/gnZzN3thwq
Gumroad (satchan13.gumroad.com)
in all honesty, i want a hot thicc female nsfw nardoragon mommy made by them
bump hehe
i got my hands on it, but i would like to mention that theres no tongue, thigh, pussy or tummy physbones you have to add them yourself.
the breast & butt physbones have no radius and you have to add them yourself aswell as the ear physbone radius which wasnt done properly
theres no easy way of editing the gestures without using hai's tools or manually deobfuscating it so i recommend creating a new gesture layer and merging it onto the fx then deleting all of the hai stuffs
anyways its uploading and will be sent soon
@Azzy @donkeykon3 @equinoxous @gooner @ISEEUDONTSEEME @Kayy892 @knlak @RandomMeow @Shark-Purple @Shmebulock
[ FOUND 2/2 ] Kurai's Female Novabeast
[ Found by me, have fun degens! ] REFRAIN FROM UPLOADING TO VRMODELS AS THE STAFF ARE FASCISTS & WILL TAKE CREDIT FOR YOUR POSTS i unfortunately spent the mo...
RipperStore Forums (forum.ripper.store)