Looking for Ipuu's FNIA avatar files (Possibly NSFW)
it shouldn't be a failsafe, as the password is an asset all on it's own just plastered onto avatars for the owner to be a hoarder. If I get the VRCA then it should come all disassembled meaning the person to piece it together and republish the files here will effectively be giving everyone the same thing just without the stupid code on there.
fair enough still idk why they go though the effort to put a code on in the first place damn horders
was anyone able to rip and crack these?
I wanted to get the files, but at the time of me doing it not only was SARS being complete ass to sign in to, but I also ended up figuring out that they don't even allow free ripping anymore, have to have a subscription or sorts. (Not sure if this is true, learned from an outside person)
if the avatars when they are ripped arent nsfw, how hard would it be to make them nsfw?