Reformed Mangle or Stylized Lolbit?
I'm debating which one of these to buy for the community so I wanted to leave it up to you guys, would you guys rather have Reformed Mangle or Stylized Lolbit? the pull will finish on Friday (11/15/2024) and I will then buy it and upload it to vrmodels
Here are the links for the avatars
- Reformed Mangle:
- Stylized Lolbit:
Btw the poll only works on PC mode so you can't do it on mobile. I will only be taking into account the actual poll votes and not comments so go into pc mode on your mobile device if your not using a pc for the ripper forum.
Second last day to vote, voting finishes tomorrow night.
Reformed Mangle has won 15-8. Sorry for anyone who wanted the lolbit but the people have spoken. I will buy and upload it later today. Might take awhile for vrmodels to approve of it though but I'll send the link when they do.
So the actual avatar is being uploaded on vrmodels but here is "Polished Mangle Assets" which were labeled as "the uhm mushy and gross not made into a unity package version of the assets..... sure u can have it...." so yeah
I might do another vote in awhile so suggest two avatars you would want to vote between.
I might do another vote in awhile so suggest two avatars you would want to vote between.
@Eventhough ik i'm sounding a little specific but... do 2n1 fnaf nsfw blender files count? (the files are sold as one and cost $25)
here's itch page if you wanna take a look at this potiental canidate: -
@Eventhough ik i'm sounding a little specific but... do 2n1 fnaf nsfw blender files count? (the files are sold as one and cost $25)
@Freakybob_OilUp I'm mainly looking for cute sfw avis...I'm going to be hones, I don't find those avis that cute ;-;. Cute, less than $50, and sfw.
@Freakybob_OilUp I'm mainly looking for cute sfw avis...I'm going to be hones, I don't find those avis that cute ;-;. Cute, less than $50, and sfw.
@Eventhough understandable, I'm out of ideas tho