Koshiro (こしろ) Ver2.4.2 (Found by KOUKA & pantsustealer) ✔
Ver2.2 has already been posted on the site, but since then there has been an addition of a coat, a chibi, and a minor + "major" correction to the avatar.
So... I want Ver2.4 ^^, please and thank you.
D Damnation moved this topic from Looking for... on
@KOUKA Do you perhaps have ver. 2.4.2?
(2023/10/3 Ver 2.4.2 Bone correction (pc version only) Not compatible with previous versions)Or does maybe anyone have it?
@Matioaxen here you go fellow koshiro enjoyer https://mega.nz/file/lH4BlLhB#Yb4WOi5mCO0drlg9HFsyJ9GU3vg2DJbKyJecyV-gt8E
@Matioaxen here you go fellow koshiro enjoyer https://mega.nz/file/lH4BlLhB#Yb4WOi5mCO0drlg9HFsyJ9GU3vg2DJbKyJecyV-gt8E