Stylized DJMM ~ VRChat Avatar ~ READ DESD
This is a stylized avatar of the character DJ Music Man from Five Nights at Freddys: Security Breach ! This groovy guy has come with a few features such as:PC + Quest ready Avatar2 Extra OutfitsSecond Spider Arms4 Facial ExpressionsHand Gestures can be disabled!Rainbow Spider Arms ( PC ONLY )Spider Arm Freeze / Posing ( also PC ONLY )DJ Booth and Rainbow Keyboard ( PC ONLY )Accessory Toggles ( Glasses, Headphones, and Top Hat )Also comes with Gogo Loco !A preset unity package ready for use.blend and .fbx files includedYou will need to Install or be in Possession of the following:Unity Version 2022.3.22VRChat Creator CompanionBrand new unity project ( so no assets interfere with package ! )VRCFury ( REQUIRED )AudioLinkWorld Constraint ( DOWNLOAD HERE )RULES AND TERMS:When purchasing content, you agree to the following:You may NOT claim these models as your own in any wayThese models may NOT be redistributed, resold, or shared towards ANYBODY under any circumstance. If you need assistance with uploading an avatar, please contact me through the contact information below. You will be reported and added to a Blacklist if you are caught illegally redistributing this contentRetextures and other edits are allowed with these avatars, but please keep them private and give me credit. This policy may be different depending on the product, look at its description for more information!If you see anybody wearing these avatars and the person wearing it is not the author of the avatar, please report the avatar on VRChat or towards me directly through my discord and warn the person wearing the avatar to not wear it again and unfavorite it [ if they have it favorited ]NOTE: This avatar is sold with the .unitypackage with the intention that you understand the terms and conditions along with having the knowledge on how to upload avatars on your own . If you have any further questions, you may contact me here:Twitter: f1zzypsE-mail: [email protected]: Fizzy's Vending Machine
Gumroad (fizzyps.gumroad.com)