LF Sio Thigh Bones
[しお(Sio)用]太ももプリン(Thighs Physbone) - Emission Glow - BOOTH
[JP] 【オリジナル3Dモデル】 Sio / しお https://booth.pm/ko/items/5650156 ! しおのVer1.02が必要です それ以外のバージョンでは動作しません ! ■ SDK とUnityの基本的な使用知識をお持ちの方におすすめです。 ■ 素体を変形させるためのマニュアルはアセットに同封されています ■ プレファブ以外のファイルを他の方法で使用して発生するすべての問題に対して責任を負いません。 ■ オリジナルアバターを購入せずに使用することによって生じるすべての問題について、一切責任を負いません。 ■ 本Assetsは Sio
I bought it. But I noticed that it doesn't work with "FacialTracking", if anyone knows how to use them together, please let me know, thanks!
I bought it. But I noticed that it doesn't work with "FacialTracking", if anyone knows how to use them together, please let me know, thanks!
@Erlnesa i personally dont use sio but i do have working thight bone for moe and manucar
u use ft from fermata? -
@Erlnesa i personally dont use sio but i do have working thight bone for moe and manucar
u use ft from fermata? -
@20154434 FT modifies the original FBX file and then Thighs Physbone doesn't recognize the FT modified FBX file, I was able to run it successfully with an FBX that had not been modified by FT.
@Erlnesa right. u will wanna use the ft patch first then rename ft patched model
and reimport the sio base fbx model and do the body patch
use the edit_fbx_sio_full prefab as base and change the body(face) skinned mash renderer to ft version mesh
copy avatar descriptor from sio_ft variant prefab to edit_fbx_sio_full
leave a discord if u still have question -
@Erlnesa right. u will wanna use the ft patch first then rename ft patched model
and reimport the sio base fbx model and do the body patch
use the edit_fbx_sio_full prefab as base and change the body(face) skinned mash renderer to ft version mesh
copy avatar descriptor from sio_ft variant prefab to edit_fbx_sio_full
leave a discord if u still have question -
I bought it. But I noticed that it doesn't work with "FacialTracking", if anyone knows how to use them together, please let me know, thanks!