LF Pet Butterfly
【4ステップ導入!】「MA対応」Pet Butterfly ~Astie (アスティ―)~ - Atelier Astra - BOOTH
(English follows Japanese) 羽ばたく!追いかけてくる!固定場所に戻る!ペット蝶々~アスティ―~ PhysBoneを使ったリアル蝶々のように羽ばたくペットちょうちょ!その名はアスティ― 是非かわいがってあげてください~ 着けるつばさバージョンもあります!羽ばたくアニメーションも! Modular Avatar対応なので、導入はらくらく! Exメニューも自動的にインストールされます! 必要 Expression Parameter Memory: Pet: 15 Wings: 13 ★★★アバターに着けたら、#AtelierAstra でツイートしましょう!★★★
went ahead and got the prefab
link for download is here !!
please enjoy !! -
went ahead and got the prefab
link for download is here !!
please enjoy !!@kiryuchann i downloaded it and put it on my avatar just as the picture said and it didnt work- theres a ton of missing scripts! was there something else i needed to download before putting it on my avatar??
@kiryuchann i downloaded it and put it on my avatar just as the picture said and it didnt work- theres a ton of missing scripts! was there something else i needed to download before putting it on my avatar??
@Rsy not really sure how i can help... did you double check everything and import all the scripts necessary?
@Rsy not really sure how i can help... did you double check everything and import all the scripts necessary?
@kiryuchann hhh i ended up figuring out the issue- im- newish to adding stuff to my avatar like this and didn't know what it meant by a modular avatar blah blah but a quick google search helped me :'D
@kiryuchann hhh i ended up figuring out the issue- im- newish to adding stuff to my avatar like this and didn't know what it meant by a modular avatar blah blah but a quick google search helped me :'D
@Rsy alrighty !!
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