lf furry avi
that thing was made by some guy who buddy with bonzie shitty dude i hAVE A VRCA FILE of it ill fix you an avatar project of it if you like if i still have it or not
ill fix you an unitypackage
yea ill drop link in here rerigging the fbx in blender atm
almost finished
re added Goloco Fixed and rigged fully working Fbx for Blender Clean up Project Removed Ols Goloco updated 1.8.6 Cleaned the Texture folder up remove gogo stuff from there Cleaned mesh Removed Old Nsfw off it Updated to New Zcancine and no wont add sps that's on you Texture might be ass since not good made If you have any request of recovery of file you want might fix it for you but remember limit your self to what you just need
my English is trash atm by looks of it
https://www.mediafire.com/file/jr8s5r5tse8mgkv/Blake+the+nardo+Black+Version.unitypackage/file My wifi is Slow it Take sometime Buy Enjoy 
@Big-Puro Enjoy ik its not Pink but its the OG file atm but enjoy fully fix and working
https://www.mediafire.com/file/jr8s5r5tse8mgkv/Blake+the+nardo+Black+Version.unitypackage/file My wifi is Slow it Take sometime Buy Enjoy 
@crystaldustie thanks so much I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE YOUUUUUUUU