Looking for thiccer protogen gang
No Instructions were given, sorry, when I have more time I can take a look.
And I figured it out. As the person above said, we need materials from this avatar.
Ay can someone make a vid of them importing and fixing the avatar? I have no idea what's going on.
Bump back
@Boppy ye but is broken
bump for fixed version
well how did ya get it to work? can ya screen record urself doing it?
you need the original nicoreda protogen that this model is an edit of https://forum.ripper.store/topic/10238/lf-nicoreda-protogen?_=1713910634152 just open the original models unity package and then put this one inside you will also need poiyomi toon shaders, if some parts are pink then go to Assets/Protoco/Materials/Nicoreda then change all materials from internalerror to poiyomi toon
uh idk if its found or whats going on so uh bump
@Bruhman478 No