LF: Pepper by Foxipaws
this'll be long winded but the avatar has all the ft blendshapes, to get ft on this version click any of the avatars in the hierarchy, scroll down in the inspector and click add component, then either type "parameter compressor" or scroll down to vrcfury then all the way down to "unlimited parameters" (second to last one for me). then click VRCFT in the packages folder at the bottom, find prefabs and drag and drop the third asset onto the avatar (UE blendshapes) if for any reason the asset has missing scripts double click to open the package, drop down the asset in the hierarchy, click world object and delete the two missing scripts in the inspector. Alt, and Good upload just fine after all that, for cozy and cute it's a few to many parameters, I removed hampter, oral ov, and the peen from the parameters for cozy, , and for cute all I had to remove was the gem hue, you can choose to remove the same or choose something else
@Mr-Boombastic Usually the FT versions come with everything preinstalled + the ears also move
@Mr-Boombastic Usually the FT versions come with everything preinstalled + the ears also move
@womperwomp Ik that's just a solution anyone can do if they don't want to wait for the ft package
@womperwomp Ik that's just a solution anyone can do if they don't want to wait for the ft package
@Mr-Boombastic, when you say drag over the templates does this make the avatars actually have face tracking with individual eye movements and ability to open mouth? Because I looked through the parameters and didn't see any of the regular face tracking ones.
@Mr-Boombastic, when you say drag over the templates does this make the avatars actually have face tracking with individual eye movements and ability to open mouth? Because I looked through the parameters and didn't see any of the regular face tracking ones.
@womperwomp talking about the templates from the vrcft folder? after you drop it on to your avatar it's handled through vrcfury so the parameters won't show in unity unless your in play mode.
@womperwomp talking about the templates from the vrcft folder? after you drop it on to your avatar it's handled through vrcfury so the parameters won't show in unity unless your in play mode.
@Mr-Boombastic, The avatar itself still requires the parameters. You can drop the template onto any vrchat avatar, but it doesn't mean it will work. What I am asking you is if this fully works. Both eyes have individual movement as well as full face tracking etc. :3 I'm not questioning your reasoning or logic in any way.
@Mr-Boombastic, The avatar itself still requires the parameters. You can drop the template onto any vrchat avatar, but it doesn't mean it will work. What I am asking you is if this fully works. Both eyes have individual movement as well as full face tracking etc. :3 I'm not questioning your reasoning or logic in any way.
@womperwomp My bad forgot to answer that part, yeah when I tested it I had individual eye tracking and full mouth tracking as well, plus eye dilation works only one I didn't check was ear tracking
@womperwomp My bad forgot to answer that part, yeah when I tested it I had individual eye tracking and full mouth tracking as well, plus eye dilation works only one I didn't check was ear tracking
@Mr-Boombastic thank you, I think the goth version is also missing a few blend shapes but yes the others work fine
@Mr-Boombastic thank you, I think the goth version is also missing a few blend shapes but yes the others work fine
@womperwomp Is it? Sorry about that if it is I didn't look through every blendshape only checked if they had them if it's only a few I could try recreating them
bump for spp
Like always I got you guys covered with everything.
Here is a link for the 1.2 base version, the 1.3 FT version, The Substance Painter files, as well as all the current Discord extras, and the needed shaders.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/m2znuzk058j8reu/Pepper.zip/file -
oh my god TYSM
Like always I got you guys covered with everything.
Here is a link for the 1.2 base version, the 1.3 FT version, The Substance Painter files, as well as all the current Discord extras, and the needed shaders.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/m2znuzk058j8reu/Pepper.zip/file@Shadowkurou Could you please upload the discord stuff separately? I cant download the whole zip because my disk.
Like always I got you guys covered with everything.
Here is a link for the 1.2 base version, the 1.3 FT version, The Substance Painter files, as well as all the current Discord extras, and the needed shaders.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/m2znuzk058j8reu/Pepper.zip/file@Shadowkurou would you be able to upload screenshots of the tutorial for turning her to her canine version in the pepper section of the server?
@Shadowkurou Could you please upload the discord stuff separately? I cant download the whole zip because my disk.
@burgerbutcold nvm I got it
@Shadowkurou would you be able to upload screenshots of the tutorial for turning her to her canine version in the pepper section of the server?
@looloo3 The video in that folder explains how to do that, it's the "29d85a1f0f0a345b1cd0df2b74b963df.mp4" video. The video provided was the video that was given in the discord.
does anyone know what to import? i imported the shaders and vrcfury but i still have missing scripts?
does anyone know what to import? i imported the shaders and vrcfury but i still have missing scripts?
@LesbianFish nvm updating the sdk worked :3
Like always I got you guys covered with everything.
Here is a link for the 1.2 base version, the 1.3 FT version, The Substance Painter files, as well as all the current Discord extras, and the needed shaders.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/m2znuzk058j8reu/Pepper.zip/file@Shadowkurou Thx for all the files, but on my side a bunch of spp files don't work, maybe it's only on my side but just wanted to make sure
@Deltatxsforce you need use the mostly recent version of the substance painter.. I using 10.1.0 and i can open the files only in this version or above seems. Idk waht foxipaws did, but only this version is possible open for me so far.