looking for thicc water
Thicc Water - Anniversary Multi-Deluxe Edition
ThiccWater liquid system for VRChat avatarsINCLUDES- 5 different emitters- Customizable- Guided installer for avatarsFAQCan this be used/viewed on Quest avatars?No, the custom shaders and transparency break Quest compatibility.Can I add multiple emitters to my avatar? Can they be triggered separately?As of v1.3, you can! Emitters have been put into Emitter Groups that can be enabled independently, and each group can attach to multiple bones for firing off at the same time.Do the particles collide with avatars?Unfortunately no. The particle systems use "Collision Quality: Medium", which only hits static colliders, and (as far as I know) VRChat creates a dynamic collider for your own avatar and no colliders for anyone else, so it has no way of knowing if it hit something. An update's in the works to use projected textures which will splat onto anything in the line of fire.I can't see the particles in the Unity editorMake sure Scene Lights are enabled in the editor and that the "Depth Provider" object is activeCan I change the color of the liquids?Yes, but it's a little tricky. The "Processor" material controls the color/transparency of each different liquid, but the stencil layers that different liquids use are shared between users in the same world i.e. if you make one of your liquids pink, everyone else using the same liquid in your world will have theirs turn pink, too. To use a different color, duplicate one of the material folders ("Clear (70)" or "White (69)"), and change the "Stencil Layer" in each of the new materials to a different value (anything between 2 and 255 should work fine), then put the new materials into your particle emitters. There's a "ThiccWaterTesting.unity" scene included to help with this.(I'll add a feature for this into the installer in the future)Can I put this onto avatars I make as commissions or plan to sell?Technically, buying the Thicc Water package is a single-user, transferable license, so if you wanna buy one to put onto someone else's avatar (e.g. you're making an avatar as a commission or for a friend), that's fine. But please don't include the package in avatars that you're selling multiple copies of (e.g. putting an avatar base up on gumroad) or making public.Can I use this for other VR games? Or other Unity games?Sure! The only VRChat-specific stuff in the package is in the menus & installer. All of the particle effects use the Unity particle system and ShaderLab/HLSL, so it should be pretty seamless copying it into another project.CHANGELOGv1.3: The Multi-Update- Added emitter groups for multiple emitters- Changed installer to automatically uninstall old versions before installing a new one- Changed installer to read everything on the avatar when starting it up- Added a white drip emitter, matches Shoot- Wolfman-specific hotfix- Updates for Unity 2022v1.2.1: Hotfix- Reinstall button now correctly reinstalls scale constraintsv1.2: More bugfixes!- Fixed issue where transparent mirrors would turn black when Thicc Water is enabled- Removed particles from mirror reflections, since they were buggy- Reworked shader math to remove HDR camera requirement; should be visible in all worlds now- Added "Reinstall" button to update emitters and save existing adjustmentsv1.1: Bugfixes & performance improvements- Smoothed out drip-maps for better-looking dripping- Restricted depth-provider light to improve performance, reduce ghost-specular-spots- Added stricter max particle counts to all emitters- Added uninstaller for doing changes/upgrades- Fixed asset cloning/saving, which caused extra animator layers to sometimes disappearSend comments/problems/suggestions/whatever to pleasurearcade(at)gmail(dot)com
Gumroad (pleasurearcade.gumroad.com)
Any chance for an update? There has been some fixes and performance upgrades.
Bump for updated version
bump for updated version please
@Magic69 i dont think thats the updated version, is it?