LF: This brazilian miku avatar or the pp model it uses
Does anyone know who made this model and where I could get either the model itself or the penis model they are using? I tried looking around but the only place I see them posting is reddit or twitter. I don't mind paying for it, I just want to know where I can get either of them. Thanks!
@Snailerei Sorry about the formatting on the post, I dunno why it did that. Also these images came from a video, the avatar has a soft to hard mechanic and it pulses, let me know if y'all need the link to it so you can better know what I'm talking about lol
i remember seeing that pp somewhere on smutbase or sfmlab
@KemonoFriend1260 Oh? Do you remember the name of it?
I founded it but it isn't matching up with the one in the pictures, one in the pictures might be hefty bits but been retextured
@KemonoFriend1260 Mind linking the one you found? Makes sense this one was probably a retexture because of the character it's on
https://sfmlab.com/project/9e6439f6-23d2-41d0-91d8-9e00457ba850/ was talking about this one but https://bakufluff.itch.io/heftybits more talking about this one since it has sliders to adjust the size on it as well as other things