LF: Liela
@Potato2022 You're amazing, thank you.
@Potato2022 Having trouble getting the package to work, avatar fails to build with the error of "You are trying to save a Prefab with a missing script.
there are things you need to add to the creator companion
like it shows on the website
Poiyomi Toon Shader 9.0+
Jerry's VRCFaceTracking (If you want Face Tracking)
I personally Removed their version of gogoloco Beyond thats on the avatar and re added gogo loco all because for w.e reason that one had a error on it.
@Potato2022 Thanks again for sharing this. What are the chances you have the substance painter files? Or are those too big to share?
@Potato2022 Figured it out, companion was dated. Thanks for the help tho. Is it possible you have the lastest version? The one provided is 1.3 and it's up to 1.6 as of yesterday.
@SirBleakCat One sec
@Potato2022 Thank you again, Do you know whats been changed/added with 1.6?
honestly there arent patch notes so i have no idea what they did
@Mr-Beans Yeah one moment. sorry been busy.
of everything -
@Potato2022 Thank you again for the assistance.
@Potato2022 The Avi got updated again to v1.7