Random down votes
odd. honestly no idea whats happening i havent seen it happening alot since it requires quite abit of rep to downvote anyways. so no idea
I'm starting to see more topics and posts get down voted for literally no reason everyday it's weird
im gonna start tweaking y'all..
doesnt someone need at least 50 rep points to even downvote why is this happening
@Nerdy I just tried to, you need 50.
Im not even sure how you get Rep Points, so the fact someone had enough and decided to randomly downvote is odd. Did the models you were linking have any viruses or gonzo on it? sometimes the VRM staff dont check avatars properly. (they have a tendency to deny virus claims but the models will randomly vanish after) Thats the only reason i could think of thatd be why youre being downvoted. Unless a user is targetting you, but theres no reason to.
Im not even sure how you get Rep Points, so the fact someone had enough and decided to randomly downvote is odd. Did the models you were linking have any viruses or gonzo on it? sometimes the VRM staff dont check avatars properly. (they have a tendency to deny virus claims but the models will randomly vanish after) Thats the only reason i could think of thatd be why youre being downvoted. Unless a user is targetting you, but theres no reason to.
@CrypticWibblyWoo I literally check every avatar myself before giving the link to someone and make sure that they work
I have no idea why I'm getting down voted it's crazy to me -
same thing started happening to me lol
I've had a few friends dm me about getting randomly downvoted so i end up giving a lot of folks upvotes lol just pm me if it happens again :3