LF: dizzy the mantis by Lui
@Boss78 What avatars are you even lookin for when trading?
@Boss78 What avatars are you even lookin for when trading?
@RandomCatBoi check dm
@orggybun Dizzy's a pretty boy ok? We love the precious mantid lad
Bump!! I personally wanted Dizzy for a Dnd Character i've got xD plus there aren't many manti avis
we got femboy insects before gta 6
R RipperDipperRoo referenced this topic on
@orggybun Dizzy's a pretty boy ok? We love the precious mantid lad
@RandomCatBoi i want dizzy to i want hard core bug erp lol T-T
@RubyLuna absolute goat tysm
its saying missing scripts for me but ive put in poi, vrcfury, and gesture manager, am i missing something?