Max-E file girl
Are you asking for someone to turn this into a 3D Model or does one actually exist...?
@TomCom1995 my thoughts exactly
ok so while doing some digging around turns out this is not a 3D model I managed to find this out because I told a friend to reverse search the images and yeah they're asking if someone can make it into a 3D model
also by the way for anyone curious the art here is made by @ sleepysous on Twitter (X) and the character is made by @ ScrewRoot on Twitter (X) as well
is this even a 3D model??
@INSERT_NAME_HERE yes, it's been in vrc before
@INSERT_NAME_HERE yes, it's been in vrc before
@Fire1987 are you sure?
@Fire1987 are you sure?
@INSERT_NAME_HERE yeah, I do not have a Picture of it.
But ik its a thing, last one I had didn't have anything on it but, but it does have a function where if you click the X button on her belt it makes her naked -
@INSERT_NAME_HERE yeah, I do not have a Picture of it.
But ik its a thing, last one I had didn't have anything on it but, but it does have a function where if you click the X button on her belt it makes her naked@Fire1987 hm sounds interesting I guess I'll try and keep my eye out for it but I'm not promising anything