Doppel ganger abyss eye shader (Found by BLACK0NYX) ✔
[VRChat] Abyss Eye Shader
FULL VIDEO PREVIEW:URLS:Discord URL: information. Please read text below:To setup eye shader on your model you have to know blender basics. If you message me in discord I'll provide step by step setup tutorial (tutorial made with blender 2.79, will be updated later).RULES:I'm not responsible for any damage done, by the use of this shader programm.You're not allowed to share source files to anyone.You're not allowed to redistribute source shader programm code.You are allowed to use shader program for any commercial (videos, games, events, streams) where the source files are not exposed to the public for download or use. Also uploading avatar which using shader programm on other person account is fine.All authoring rights to shader programm belong to me, you are buying the right to use personally.FEATURES:Procedural generated.Parallax effect for pupil and particles (depth).Color / glow color / HUE settings.Settings for speed.Pupil scale settings.Fallback texture.PACKAGE CONTAIN:Unitypackage with shader and example materials.EyeMesh.blend file.
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