LF: LopunnyTwins PokePoke Trainer
LopunnyTwins PokePoke Trainer.7z
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pixeldrain (pixeldrain.com)
LopunnyTwins PokePoke Trainer.7z
This file has been shared with you on pixeldrain
pixeldrain (pixeldrain.com)
@Didn-tDoIt i hope you get a loving family and kids and have a long and healthy life my friend!
LopunnyTwins PokePoke Trainer.7z
This file has been shared with you on pixeldrain
pixeldrain (pixeldrain.com)
@Didn-tDoIt im getting trojan virus warnings from that download. idk about you but it seems kinda sus ngl
@Didn-tDoIt im getting trojan virus warnings from that download. idk about you but it seems kinda sus ngl
@zetton i didn't get that warning nor did i get any virus when i downloaded it. its probably something on your part idk
@Didn-tDoIt im getting trojan virus warnings from that download. idk about you but it seems kinda sus ngl
@Didn-tDoIt im getting trojan virus warnings from that download. idk about you but it seems kinda sus ngl
@zetton Antiviruses have a tendency to freak out if an archive file contains more archives, if there is a 7z, rar or zip inside of another 7z, rar or zip it will trigger a false positive on some antiviruses, had to stop packing my files in this way because people were being annoying about it, not to mention if there WAS a virus inside it, your antivirus would not be able to pick it up, unitypackages aren't really scannable until the contents are extracted as they are formatted in a way unreadable by anything but unity, SPP Files are also not capable of having malware, and blend files aren't exactly capable of being malware either.
Question, everything I've done to upload this just does nothing since I keep getting the stupid "you don't own this avatar, blueprint id cleared" error and I don't know what to do now, any fix or thing id need to add? Also could this be quest converted or no cause I plan on trying eventually after I get it working.