VRCHIVE getting raided?
wrote on 14 Sept 2024, 17:29 last edited by
There was a backup server bein made earlier, but it got shut down after 10 hours of bein up.
wrote on 14 Sept 2024, 17:54 last edited by
Has anyone made a backup of the clothes and assets channels? I was only able to export the HTML of the Bases but I was missing the assets and the clothes
Has anyone made a backup of the clothes and assets channels? I was only able to export the HTML of the Bases but I was missing the assets and the clothes
@Matrax Luckily before I passed out I grabbed this. Backup Of All Channels
@Kaylaaa yep sorry for bein the Bearer of Bad News its a sad day for everyone
wrote on 14 Sept 2024, 18:14 last edited by@picturesque nah man, don't be sorry, i'm thanksfull for all the news you posted here and i think it's the case of everyone here, you're kinda our hero in this story. So thanks for your services and take care of yourself !
@Matrax Luckily before I passed out I grabbed this. Backup Of All Channels
@Matrax Luckily before I passed out I grabbed this. Backup Of All Channels
Sadly I didnt copy the dump links that were being shared in the backup server but here's some I found here for people that needed them. Miki42's Mega Dump Thread Here This should be all the ones people were looking for.
@Matrax Luckily before I passed out I grabbed this. Backup Of All Channels
wrote on 14 Sept 2024, 21:53 last edited by burgerbutcold
There was a server that someone made to be another Vrchive discord server buttttt It might have gotten deleted bc by the time I woke up, I hadnt been in the server anymore o _ o (NOT talking abt the actual VRchive discord which I know got shut down)
is this actually only up for 24 hours or was that just the channels as you saved them?@Akihiko It says 24hours cause the server was named that before it was deleted, these chats should be from 2022-Present these will still be here @burgerbutcold There was a backup server I was in that vanished, I assumed it got deleted cause I had it at the top of my server list.
@Akihiko It says 24hours cause the server was named that before it was deleted, these chats should be from 2022-Present these will still be here @burgerbutcold There was a backup server I was in that vanished, I assumed it got deleted cause I had it at the top of my server list.
@Akihiko It says 24hours cause the server was named that before it was deleted, these chats should be from 2022-Present these will still be here @burgerbutcold There was a backup server I was in that vanished, I assumed it got deleted cause I had it at the top of my server list.
wrote on 14 Sept 2024, 22:17 last edited bySomeone make a new one lol I would love to join if it ever happens! The one that was made was so good it had all the channels and people were posting! Wonder what happened to it
wrote on 15 Sept 2024, 19:34 last edited by
The Vrchive server was DMCA'd basically
wrote on 16 Sept 2024, 00:52 last edited by
Have been lurking a bit but very sad VRChive is gone, especially from a DMCA... However, understandable the creator didn't want to deal with the legal bs. Surprised I haven't see anyone pull a "what if we re-create the site???" or "I'll remake the site" idea though. That is good- don't get me wrong, I miss VRChive, but it's too much of a risk to just take back the reigns and make a new site if whoever placed a DMCA claim is still rampant and willing to keep the site down at whatever cost. For now we just have to find new sites. If anyone is interested, here is a thread dedicated to other sites and file hosting sites!
Have been lurking a bit but very sad VRChive is gone, especially from a DMCA... However, understandable the creator didn't want to deal with the legal bs. Surprised I haven't see anyone pull a "what if we re-create the site???" or "I'll remake the site" idea though. That is good- don't get me wrong, I miss VRChive, but it's too much of a risk to just take back the reigns and make a new site if whoever placed a DMCA claim is still rampant and willing to keep the site down at whatever cost. For now we just have to find new sites. If anyone is interested, here is a thread dedicated to other sites and file hosting sites!
wrote on 16 Sept 2024, 03:12 last edited by@Kur0m1S4N I'm hoping the database gets "leaked" so it can continue from where it was left off.
@Kur0m1S4N I'm hoping the database gets "leaked" so it can continue from where it was left off.
wrote on 17 Sept 2024, 17:49 last edited by@UwUmmmOwO we would essentially just need an archive of the discord webhook channels and that'd lead us to all the download links
wrote on 19 Sept 2024, 04:30 last edited by
L rip bozo
@picturesque you just need to ask a mod for an invite and they'll create a one time link for you
wrote on 28 Sept 2024, 02:00 last edited by@Kaze Where can we ask a mod?
@Kaze Where can we ask a mod?
wrote on 28 Sept 2024, 07:02 last edited by@tacocrazytacoos They were talking about asking a mod on the vrchive server for an invite, like before it got shut down and DMCA'd, but someone did drop links to a vrchive dump here and It seems like the user Loading is working on a site of their own that will be housing the dumped assets during their free time, which you can see the early stages here Hopefully you find this helpful.
wrote on 4 Oct 2024, 23:05 last edited by
Any update? :c